photo by Marlo Wise

With Holly's swim coach eye, she was able to see stroke flaws, and then use ART to release 'stuck' muscles, which allowed me to immediately improve my technique.

-Mark Rozman
Austin, Texas

Active Release Techniques®/

$175.00 per 90 minute session

ART® can address and resolve scar tissue and nerve entrapment in soft tissues. It’s not the only way to manually assist the body and I employ other modalities (myofascial release, crossfiber friction, PNF stretching and deep muscle stripping) to help what the ART® protocols have addressed. I prefer more time with you on the table then less to achieve and administer Corrective Bodywork. For example, If your goal is to relieve elbow pain that has been an on going issue there is most likely secondary problems in the arm, shoulder and neck. Then there is the other side of your body! I am also an advocate of hydrotherapy and utilize moist heat packs or gel ice packs when appropriate and needed. 



$175.00 per 90 minute session

This one-of-a-kind session combines swimming and ART® to address stroke inefficiencies that cannot be solved with technique alone. You may or may not know you’ve got some problems or pain while in motion in the water and I can help you from the pool to the massage table and back again in quick succession. Some common soft tissue restrictions that can interfere with your stroke are: one or both feet do not undulate properly which limits the kick, or your latissimus dorsi or serratus anterior (back and side body) are shortened and thus cannot allow for full reach of arm strokes. This service is best for an intermediate to advanced swimmer who has a solid understanding of the stroke. Above water filming will be utilized with immediate playback for review and instruction. Depending on the weather, the treatment table will be positioned on the pool deck or inside the studio just steps from the pool for comfortable transition.

Video 1: Right shoulder joint on recovery and entry is too tight.

Video 2: Right shoulder joint after ART treatment is now looser on recovery and entry.

Video 3: Right shoulder joint after ART treatment is now looser on recovery and entry.

Video 4: Right shoulder joint after ART treatment is now looser on recovery and entry.

Photo by Marlo Wise

Photo by Marlo Wise


$50.00 per 30 minutes

(All first-time adult swim sessions requires 60 minutes)

For all ages, from beginner to advanced there is always something that can be brought to your attention. My coaching philosophy is based on the fundamentals by order of importance: breathing, balance and movement in the water. Without a proper understanding and execution of these fundamentals, efficient and enjoyable swimming will be elusive. Train with a safe, efficient and technically sound stroke that works best for YOU. Learn drills to get you there and keep you there.

The 43 foot pool allows for “treadmill” like swimming against dual Badu water jets on one end and proper markings for flip turns with 12 yards of swimming in between. The pool depth runs shallow at either end and deeper in the middle (shallow ends measure 3.5-4ft and mid section is 5.9).



Let me help you decipher what it is, how it works and the product that will work best to suit your needs and ability. You can successfully self-treat soft-tissue restrictions via a foam roller or other similar tool with proper application and education.



Before you tackle the waves as a first-timer, get a head start with paddling and surf board orientation in a safe and controlled pool environment. Practice paddling and board motion control against swim jets that offer enough resistance for the beginner surfer.

Individual and small group training is available for Foam Rolling 101, Swim Instruction and Beginner Surf Prep. Prices available upon request.